
Tag : origami sculpture

fighting bull

fighting bull

There are some great origami bulls fashioned by Akira Yoshizawa, Eric Joisel, Sipho Mabona, Gabriel Alvarez, Joseph Wu etc…and of course, Stephan Weber (perhaps the most well known origami bull). This bull is actually a variation of my bison. With this design, I try to capture the formidable force and motion of the fighting bull. […]

11 years, 2 months ago Comments Off on fighting bull
why I choose paper as a medium

why I choose paper as a medium

Paper is a simple and familiar material. It is my friend since I started learning how to read and write and draw. Paper is fragile, you have to be gentle with it. Love it, and it might love you back. Same with life. Origami is a special kind of sculpture. You start with a piece […]