
Category : blog

the year of the Horse

the year of the Horse

Every year since I came to the USA, I design Lunar New Year cards to send to relatives and friends 1. The horse is coming and I can hear the wind the prairies they become the horse Happy New Year of the Horse, to all 2. I hope you enjoy this story of a dreamer each […]

11 years ago Comments Off on the year of the Horse


I was born in the year of the horse This graceful creature appeared in my drawings and paintings but not origami till now There are some really nice origami horses out there ( Roman Diaz, Hideo Komatsu, Quentin Trollip…) perhaps my favorite one so far is the wind horse by Hoang Tien Quyet The image of […]

fighting bull

fighting bull

There are some great origami bulls fashioned by Akira Yoshizawa, Eric Joisel, Sipho Mabona, Gabriel Alvarez, Joseph Wu etc…and of course, Stephan Weber (perhaps the most well known origami bull). This bull is actually a variation of my bison. With this design, I try to capture the formidable force and motion of the fighting bull. […]

11 years, 2 months ago Comments Off on fighting bull